From the beginning, HRBP chose four project categories:

Hanging Baskets & Planters
- Installed 49 hanging baskets on lampposts down Canton Street and around Historic Roswell Town Square
- Installed 32 large planters along Canton Street and in Historic Roswell Town Square
- Installed 6 medium planters at Historic Roswell Town Square

- Installed professional ambient lighting at Historic Roswell Town Square to highlight fountain, flags, and trees

- Repaired sidewalk steps in Historic District
- Installed pavers on sidewalk
- Power washed aggregate and concrete walkways
- Purchased trash receptacles
- Restored trash receptacles made by the late Ken Moss, Roswell blacksmith
- Controlled weeds in sidewalk areas
- Cleaned retaining wall and trimmed trees surrounding Barrington Hall

- Performed major tree care on Canton Street, Heart of Roswell Park, and Historic Roswell Town Square which consists of raising canopies, improving sight lines, and removing dead limbs.
In addition to our ongoing efforts, we hope to undertake these projects:
- Design and install decorative lamppost banners along Canton Street
- Heart of Roswell Park Improvement